Wundergraph or How to build a compile time GraphQL ORM using Diesel


Additional information

  • Workshop was part of the RustFest 2019 in Barcelona
  • See speaker notes (Press S) for additional information

About me

  • Writing rust since 2014
  • weiznich at github
  • Maintainer of Diesel and creator of Wundergraph

General rules

  • Ask Questions
  • Interrupt me if you don’t understand something or want to know more


  • Today:
    1. Diesel introduction
    2. Diesel internals
  • Tomorrow:
    1. Wundergraph introduction
    2. Wundergraph internals


What is diesel

  • Diesel is a query builder with some ORM like features
  • Provides the following building blocks:
    • Abstract database interfaces to execute queries
    • Functionality to map query results to rust structs
    • Functionality to map rust structs to query results
    • A query dsl that could be used to construct compile time checked sql queries

What is diesel

table! {
    students {
        id -> Integer,
        name -> Text,

struct Student {
    id: i32,
    name: String,

let students: Vec<Student> =


Diesel features

General design assumptions for diesel:

  • Diesel does not own the database
  • SQL database implementations are different, Diesel should not try to abstract away those differences
  • Rust has a strong static type system, try to use that for correctness and performance
  • There is a distinction between Rust types and SQL types.

Creating a diesel application

  1. Install diesel_cli (A tool to manage migrations/your schema)
  2. Setup the database using SQL migrations
  3. Create a rust schema file form your database
  4. Write code interacting with the database

Diesel CLI

  • Small helper cli tool for Diesel
  • Provides:
    • a way to manage a database (setup/reset)
    • a way to manage migrations (create/apply/undo)
    • a way to generate Rust schema code from existing databases

The table! marco

table! {
    students(id) {
        id -> Integer,
        name -> Text,
  • Defines a database schema on rust side
  • Generates a bunch of helper types used to construct queries

Select statements

  • Diesel provides a query DSL to construct statically known queries
  • Generally speaking: DSL maps quite literally to the generated SQL
  • Documentation mostly available on the QueryDsl trait

Basic structure of a query:


Select statements (Select clause)

    a_table::column_a, // just select a column
    a_table::column_b + a_table::column_b, // an expression
    "abc".into_sql::<Text>() // or a constant
  • Just a tuple of expressions that should appear in the select clause
  • If not given just select the columns of the table in the order given by the table! macro

Select statements (Where clause)

  • Constructs a where clause of the current SQL select statement
  • If not given no where clause is generated
  • Calling .filter twice appends the new where clause with an AND to the old one
  • See docs *ExpressionMethods traits for methods useful to construct inner expressions

Select statement (Order clause)

  • Creates a order clause
  • Possibility to single order expression or multiple as tuple
  • Default sorting order: ASC
  • If clause not given no order clause is generated

Result mapping (Queryable)

  • A trait that indicates that a given rust type could be the result of a query with a SQL type
  • Provided custom derive, mapping is done by order, not by name
  • Default implementations for tuples

Query execution

  • Different ways to execute a query:
    • load::<U>/get_results::<U>: Returns a list of U
    • get_result::<U>: Returns the first U ignores the rest
    • first::<U>: Returns the first U, attaches a LIMIT 1 clause to the executed query
    • execute: Returns the number of affected columns

Insert statements

  • Creates a INSERT INTO statement.

Insert statements

#[table_name = "students"]
struct NewStudent {
    id: i32,
    name: String,

    .values(&[new_student_1, new_student_2])

Update statements

        a_table::column_b.eq(a_table::column_b + 5.into_sql::<Integer>())
  • Creates a UPDATE statement
  • Similar to insert statements, there is a tuple variant and a variant with a struct

Update statements

#[derive(AsChangeset, Identifiable)]
#[table_name = "students"]
struct ChangeStudent {
    id: i32,
    name: Text,

let changed_student: ChangeStudent = get_changed_student();


Delete statements

  • Creates a DROP FROM a_table statement

Raw SQL queries

#[table_name = "students"]
struct Student {
    id: i32,
    name: String

diesel::sql_query("SELECT id, name FROM students WHERE name = $1")
    .bind::<Text, _>("weiznich")
  • Raw SQL query interface
  • Meant to be used when the query DSL is missing some expressions or failed to express something complex

“Complex” queries

table! {
    students {
        id -> Integer,
        name -> Text,
        supervisor -> Integer,

table! {
    teachers {
        id -> Integer,
        name -> Text,

allow_tables_to_appear_in_same_query!(students, teachers);
joinable!(students -> teachers (supervisor));

“Complex” queries (naive way)

let teachers = teachers::table.load::<Teacher>(&conn)?;

let teacher_and_students: Vec<(Teacher, Vec<Student>)> =
        .map(|teacher| {
            let students = students::table
            Ok((teacher, students))

“Complex” queries (joins)

    .load::<(Teacher, Student)>(&conn);

“Complex” queries (associations)

#[derive(Identifiable, Queryable)]
#[table_name = "teachers"]
struct Teacher {
    id: i32,
    name: String,

#[derive(Identifiable, Queryable, Associations)]
#[belongs_to(Teacher, foreign_key = "supervisor")]
#[table_name = "students"]
struct Student {
    id: i32,
    name: String,
    supervisor: i32

let teachers = teachers::table.load::<Teacher>(&conn)?;

let students = Student::belonging_to(&teachers)

let teachers_with_students = teachers.into_iter()
    .collect::<Vec<(Teacher, Vec<Student>)>>();

Common Errors

  • Diesel uses the type system to check if
    • a query generates valid SQL
    • a query result matches the structure of the output
    • matching field types are compatible with given query types
  • Some of those mistakes result in rather long error messages
  • Most of them have a structure that helps you to find the actual problem

Common Errors (Invalid SQL)

error[E0277]: the trait bound `teachers::columns::name: diesel::SelectableExpression<students::table>` is not satisfied
  --> src/main.rs:30:21
30 |     students::table.select(teachers::name).load::<Student>(&conn);
   |                     ^^^^^^ the trait `diesel::SelectableExpression<students::table>` is not implemented for `teachers::columns::name`
   = help: the following implementations were found:

Common Errors (Result missmatch)

struct Student {
    id: i32,
    name: String

let s: Vec<Student> = students::table
error[E0277]: the trait bound `(std::string::String, i32): diesel::Queryable<diesel::sql_types::Integer, diesel::pg::Pg>` is not satisfied
  --> src/main.rs:34:64
34 |     let s: Vec<Student> = students::table.select(students::id).load(&conn)?;
   |                                                                ^^^^ the trait `diesel::Queryable<diesel::sql_types::Integer, diesel::pg::Pg>` is not implemented for `(std::string::String, i32)`

Common Errors (Type missmatch)

let s: Vec<String> = students::table
error[E0277]: the trait bound `*const str: diesel::deserialize::FromSql<diesel::sql_types::Integer, diesel::pg::Pg>` is not satisfied
  --> src/main.rs:34:63
34 |     let s: Vec<String> = students::table.select(students::id).load(&conn)?;
   |                                                               ^^^^ the trait `diesel::deserialize::FromSql<diesel::sql_types::Integer, diesel::pg::Pg>` is not implemented for `*const str`
   = help: the following implementations were found:
             <*const [u8] as diesel::deserialize::FromSql<diesel::sql_types::Binary, DB>>
             <*const str as diesel::deserialize::FromSql<diesel::sql_types::Text, DB>>
   = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `diesel::deserialize::FromSql<diesel::sql_types::Integer, diesel::pg::Pg>` for `std::string::String`

Current shortcomings of Diesel

  • No support for GROUP BY clauses and mixing aggregating and non aggregating expressions
  • Diesel expects to know at least the following things about SELECT statements at compile time:
    • Number of returned fields
    • SQL type of each returned field
  • Writing code abstracting over Diesel can be challanging

Building a first simple example

  • We want to build a simple blog backend
  • Today as REST API, Tomorrow as GraphQL API
  • Schema consists of 3 Tables:
    • users
    • posts
    • comments
  • Project template at https://github.com/weiznich/wundergraph-workshop/

Build a first small example

Bootstrap a simple REST API for the given database schema:

  1. Clone the project template
  2. Prepare the database by writing sql migrations for the given schema
  3. Setup the database using diesel_cli
  4. Include the generated schema in your application
  5. Expose CRUD operations for all 3 tables as REST API

Diesel (Implementation side)

Custom types

  • Diesel supports a set of commonly used types out of the box
  • Custom or uncommen SQL types require additional work
  • Diesel provides building blocks to easily add support for your own types

Custom types

CREATE TYPE color AS ENUM ('red', 'green', 'blue');
#[derive(SqlType, QueryId)]
#[postgres(type_name = "color")]
struct ColorType;

#[derive(FromSqlRow, AsExrpession)]
#[sql_type = "ColorType"]
enum Color {

Custom types

impl FromSql<ColorType, Pg> for Color {
    fn from_sql(bytes: Option<&[u8]>) -> Result<Self> {
        match bytes {
            Some(b"red") => Ok(Color::Red),
            Some(b"green") => Ok(Color::Green),
            Some(b"blue") => Ok(Color::Blue),
            _ => Err("Unrecognized enum variant".into())

impl ToSql<ColorType, Pg> Color {
    fn to_sql<W: Write>(&self, out: &mut Output<W, Pg>) -> Result<IsNull> {
         match *self {
             Color::Red => out.write_all(b"red")?;,
             Color::Green => out.write_all(b"green")?;
             Color::Blue => out.write_all(b"blue")?;

Fundamental traits

  • Want to talk about a bit how Diesel queries work internally
  • Answer the following questions:
    • How does diesel build SQL from the query dsl?
    • How does diesel check queries at compile time?
    • How does a diesel query compose from simpler query fragments?

Fundamental traits (Backend)

trait Backend {
    type RawValue;
  • Central definition of a supported database
  • RawValue says which how data are represented at protocol level
  • Implementations are just zero sized marker types

Fundamental traits (QueryFragment)

trait QueryFragment<DB: Backend> {
    fn walk_ast(&self, pass: AstPass<DB>) -> QueryResult<()>;
  • Trait indicating that some type could be translated to SQL.
  • Used to construct the final query
  • Helps to do most of the work at compile time

Fundamental traits (QueryFragment)

struct Eq<L, R>{
    left: L,
    right: R,

impl<L, R> QueryFragment<Pg> for Eq<L, R>
    L: QueryFragment<Pg>,
    R: QueryFragment<Pg>,
    fn walk_ast(&self, mut pass: AstPass<DB>) -> QueryResult<()> {
        pass.push_sql(" = ");

Fundamental traits (QueryId)

trait QueryId {
     type QueryId: Any;
     const HAS_STATIC_QUERY_ID: bool;
     fn query_id() -> Option<TypeId> {}

impl<L, R> QueryId for Eq<L, R>
where L: QueryId, R: QueryId
    type QueryId = Self;
    const HAS_STATIC_QUERY_ID: bool =
  • Used to optimize the prepared statement cache
  • Calculate TypeId of the composite type, use that as static prepared statement cache key

Fundamental traits (Expression)

pub trait Expression {
    type SqlType;

impl<L, R> Expression for Eq<L, R> {
    type SqlType = Bool;
  • A marker trait representing a typed SQL fragment
  • Used for type checking the final query

Expanded example query

    students::table, // The table type, indicating the from clause
    SelectClause<students::id>, // The select clause
    WhereClause<Eq<students::id, Bound<i32, Integer>>>, // The where clause
    // Skipped some more parameters for other clauses
    Filter<students::table, Eq<students::id, i32>>,

Conditional queries

let mut query = students::table.select(students::name);

if let Some(id) = filter_by_id {
    query = query.filter(students::id.eq(id));
  • Does not work because the query with filter has a different type than the query without filter

Conditional queries

let mut query = students::table.select(students::name)

if let Some(id) = filter_by_id {
    query = query.filter(students::id.eq(id));
  • .into_boxed creates a boxed select statement that erases all generic arguments beside of the table name and target backend for the given select statement

Extending our example:

  • Add a column to the post table indicating the state of the post.
    • Represented as Enum on rust and postgresql side. Values Draft, Published, Deleted
  • Add a route that performs custom filter/order operations based on the query string of the route
    • Something like http://localhost/posts?name="foo"&order="id"

Extending our example

  • Add a route that performs allows to pagination on the post table
    • We want http://localhost/posts/page/$page_number?post_count=$postcount to return the number of total pages and the posts of the requested page.



  • A query language for API
    Teachers {
        teacherName: name
        students {

What is wundergraph

  • Wundergraph is a crate that helps you with developing a diesel/juniper based GraphQL service in rust
  • Enables easy integration of diesel and juniper
  • Provides building blocks for writing GraphQL interfaces on top of relational database


  • Foundational crate for writing GraphQL APIs in rust
  • Independ from the actual data source
  • Provides foundational building blocks and helper APIs


struct Student {
    id: i32,
    name: String,

struct Query;

juniper::graphql_object!(Query: Context |&self| {
    field apiVersion() -> &str {

    field student(&executor, id: i32) -> FieldResult<Student> {
        let context = executor.context();

Diesel + Juniper (naive way)

#[derive(GraphQLObject, Queryable)]
struct Student {
    id: i32,
    name: String,

struct Teacher {
    id: i32,
    name: String,

juniper::graphql_object!(Teacher: Context |&self| {
    field id() -> i32 {

    field name() -> &str {

    field students(&executor) -> FieldResult<Vec<Student>> {
        let conn = executor.context().pool.get_connection()?;

        let students = students::table


Problems with the naive way

  • N + 1 Query problems
  • Loads data not required to answer the request
  • Adding options to filter/order/limit non trivial to add

Wundergraph Example

#[derive(Identifiable, WundergraphEntity)]
#[table_name = "students"]
struct Student {
    id: i32,
    name: String,
    supervisor: HasOne<i32, Teacher>,

#[derive(Identifiable, WundergraphEntity)]
#[table_name = "teachers"]
struct Teacher {
    id: i32,
    name: String,
    students: HasMany<Student, students::supervisor>,

wundergraph::query_object! {
    Query {


#[derive(WundergraphEntity, Identifiable)]
#[table_name = "student"]
/// GraphQL type description
struct Student {
    /// GraphQL field description
    id: i32,
    #[wundergraph(graphql_name = "name")]
    #[column_name = "name"]
    name: String,
    supervisor: HasOne<i32, Teacher>,
    papers: HasMany<Paper, papers::student>,
  • Marks a type as compatible wundergraph entity
  • Controls corresponding GraphQL type
  • Field names map directly to corresponding columns in table


wundergraph::query_object! {
    /// GraphQL description for query
    Query {
        /// GraphQL description for Student
        #[deprecated(note = "Why")]
        #[wundergraph(filter = true, offset = true, order = true)]


  • Per convention there is a “special” mutation object in GraphQL schemas allowing to mutate data
  • Mutations are done by requesting a field on the mutation object and passing mutation data as arguments
mutation CreateStudent {
    createStudent(name: "weiznich", supervisor: 42) {

Mutation (implementation)

  • Structs implementing …
    • Insertable are automatically usable as insert mutation
    • AsChangeset are automatically usable as update mutation
  • Delete mutations are automatically provided via primary keys
  • Possible to manual implement custom behaviour by using corresponding traits in wundergraph::query_builder::mutations

Mutation (implementation)

#[derive(Insertable, GraphQLInputObject)]
#[table_name = "students"]
struct NewStudent {
    name: String,
    supervisor: i32,

#[derive(AsChangeset, Identifiable, GraphQLInputObject)]
#[table_name = "studens"]
struct StudentChangeset {
    id: i32,
    name: String


wundergraph::mutation_object! {
    /// GraphQL description for mutation
    Mutation {
        Student(insert = NewStudent, update = StudentChangeset, delete = true),

Custom Context

  • Wundergraph requires you to use a type that implements WundergraphContext as juniper context type
  • By default that’s implemented for all types that implement diesel’s Connection trait


trait QueryModifier<L, DB> {
   fn modify_query(
       select: &LookAheadSelection<WundergraphScalarValue>,
       query: BoxedQuery<L, DB, Self>,
   ) -> Result<BoxedQuery<L, DB, Self>>;
  • A trait that allows you to get access to the final query before execution
  • Implemented for the context type, so you are required to use a custom context type if you want to use this trait
  • Entities passed as first type parameter

Wundergraph CLI

  • Wundergraph CLI is a small CLI helper tool to generate struct definitions from an existing database
  • Works similar to diesel CLI
  • Generates for each database table:
    • A diesel table! macro call
    • A matching query entity
    • An insert type used for insert mutations
    • A changeset type used for update mutations


  • Implement the REST API from our first exercise now as GraphQL API:
    1. Add juniper and wundergraph as dependency in your Cargo.toml
    2. Add a juniper GraphQL endpoint to your application
    3. Setup Query/Mutation entities for all three tables
  • Note: Project template from yesterday at: https://github.com/weiznich/wundergraph-workshop/

Wundergraph (Implementation side)


  • Talk a bit about the implementation of wundergraph
  • Technical aspects
  • How to provide custom implementations

Technical challenges using diesel

  • Diesel want’s to know the number of selected columns at compile time
    • Just select constant NULL instead of removing the field
  • Arbitrary runtime joining between tables is not possible to implement using diesel
    • Use diesel Associations approach involving a fixed number of queries instead

Technical challenges using diesel

  • Dynamic query construction in a generic case
    • BoxedSelectStatement helps there, but writing generic code also required
  • Diesel supports primitive types not supported by default as Juniper scalar values
    • Provide own Juniper scalar value implementation


pub trait LoadingHandler<DB, Ctx> : HasTable + Sized
where DB: Backend
    type Columns;
    type FieldList;
    type PrimaryKeyIndex;
    type Filter;

    const FIELD_NAMES: &[&str];
    const TYPE_NAME: &str;
  • Central trait for querying GraphQL entities


pub trait WundergraphBelongsTo<Other, DB, Ctx, FK>: LoadingHandler<DB, Ctx> {
    type Key;

    fn resolve(
        glob_args: &[LookAheadArgument<WundergraphScalarValue>],
        look_ahead: &[LookAheadSelection<WundergraphScalarValue>],
        selection: Option<&[Selection<WundergraphScalarValue>],
        keys: &[Option<Self::Key>],
        executor: Executor<Ctx, WundergraphScalarValue>,
    ) -> Result<

Filter infrastructure

  • Automatically generated for structs implementing LoadingHandler
  • Composable out simple filters for each type
trait FilterValue<C> {
    type RawValue;
    type AdditionalFilter;

Tuple mappers

  • Internally most of the things in wundergraph operate on tuples at a type level to generate things
  • Basic work flow:
    • Filter unwanted types for a tuple
    • Depending on the context generate juniper/diesel data structure from the tuple by mapping each “field” to a corresponding data field

Tuple mappers

trait ExtractTableFields {
    type Out;

impl<T1, T2> ExtractTableFields for (T1, T2)
where T1: WundergraphValue, (T2,): ExtractTableFields
     <(T2,) as ExtractTableFields>::Out: AppendToTuple<T1>
    type Out = <<(T2,) as ExtractTableFields>::Out
        as AppendToTuple<T1>>::Out;

impl<C, FK, T2> ExtractTableFields for (HasMany<C, FK>, T2)
where (T2,): ExtractTableFields
    type Out = <(T2,) as ExtractTableFields>::Out;

Final exercise

  • We want to store different versions of the same post.
    • A version is represented as range of starting and ending version
    • Write a SQL function that could be used instead of the posts table in the from clause.
      • SELECT * FROM post_at_version(5);
    • Integrate that in our GraphQL interface